Autism Diagnosis Waiting Lists in the UK – And What You Can Do
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Autism Diagnosis Waiting Lists in the UK – And What You Can Do

In recent months, the UK has seen a significant rise in the number of individuals awaiting an autism diagnosis, revealing a deepening crisis in the healthcare system. The latest figures show that as of mid-2024, over 187,000 people in England are waiting for an autism assessment—a 22% increase in just one year. Even more troubling, 87% of those waiting have been on the list for longer than the NHS target of 13 weeks, with many waiting over a year for their first appointment.

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The Growing Crisis of ADHD Assessment Waiting Lists in the UK
Chris Wood Chris Wood

The Growing Crisis of ADHD Assessment Waiting Lists in the UK

In recent years, the UK has seen a significant surge in ADHD diagnoses, leading to increasingly long waiting lists for assessments and treatment. This rise in demand for ADHD support is reflected in various reports and data, highlighting the challenges faced by individuals seeking help.

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Autism and Anime
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Autism and Anime

Anime provides a unique blend of sensory comfort, relatable characters, and social opportunities, making it a beloved medium for many on the autism spectrum. Learn more about this special connection in my latest blog post. #Autism #Anime #Inclusion #Representation

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Understanding the Challenges in Diagnosing Autism: Beyond the Deficits and Medical Model
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Understanding the Challenges in Diagnosing Autism: Beyond the Deficits and Medical Model

To improve the diagnostic process for autism, it is essential to integrate neurodiversity principles into assessment tools and practices. This means developing new tools that assess a wider range of abilities and behaviors, providing training for clinicians on the neurodiversity paradigm, and fostering a societal shift towards greater acceptance and understanding of autism.

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The Validity of Self-Diagnosis in Autism: A Balanced Perspective
Chris Wood Chris Wood

The Validity of Self-Diagnosis in Autism: A Balanced Perspective

Acknowledging the validity of self-diagnosis and fostering a more flexible approach to implementing adjustments can bridge the gap between immediate needs and formal diagnostic procedures. Embracing a needs-led approach ensures that individuals receive the support they require when they need it most, irrespective of their diagnostic status.

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Exploring the Free eBook: "ACT & Neurodiversity - Part 1" by Dr. Russ Harris
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Exploring the Free eBook: "ACT & Neurodiversity - Part 1" by Dr. Russ Harris

"ACT & Neurodiversity - Part 1" is an insightful resource that equips mental health practitioners with the knowledge and tools to provide more inclusive and supportive therapy. Dr. Harris's expertise and compassionate approach make this eBook an invaluable guide for those looking to enhance their practice.

For more detailed guidance and practical applications, don't miss the upcoming "Part 2" of the eBook, which will delve into how ACT can be even more neuro-affirming. You can download the first part for free and stay tuned for the second part on Psychwire.

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The Impact of Environmental Factors on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Chris Wood Chris Wood

The Impact of Environmental Factors on Autism Spectrum Disorders

Understanding the impact of environmental factors on ASD is crucial for developing more effective strategies tailored to the needs of individuals based on their living environments. This awareness can guide policy decisions, support services, and community initiatives, aiming to balance the scales of opportunity and quality of life for all affected by ASD.

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Creating an Autism-Friendly Football Experience
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Creating an Autism-Friendly Football Experience

For individuals with autism, football offers unique opportunities and challenges. To create an autism-friendly football environment, understanding and accommodating the sensory sensitivities and communication preferences of autistic players is essential.

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Navigating Autism and Menstruation:  and Support
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Navigating Autism and Menstruation: and Support

For many, the onset of menstruation is a significant milestone in the journey toward adulthood. However, for individuals on the autism spectrum, especially girls and women, this period can present unique challenges that require understanding, preparation, and support.

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Embracing Change and Neurodiversity: Our Journey Forward
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Embracing Change and Neurodiversity: Our Journey Forward

Neurodiversity is the garden in which creativity, innovation, and unique perspectives flourish. It's not just a concept but a commitment to recognising and valuing the diverse neurological differences present in all of us, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. Our hiatus has been a time of learning, of listening to voices often unheard, and of planning how to better serve our community.

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Autism and Japan: A Cultural Perspective
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Autism and Japan: A Cultural Perspective

Interestingly, Japan has a cultural phenomenon known as "hikikomori," where young adults (mostly men) withdraw from society and live in extreme social isolation. While not all hikikomori individuals are autistic, there's a growing dialogue about the overlap between this phenomenon and undiagnosed autism, especially given that both groups experience social challenges.

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The Rising Prevalence of Autism and ADHD: What We Know
Chris Wood Chris Wood

The Rising Prevalence of Autism and ADHD: What We Know

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are developmental disorders that have seen a notable rise in diagnoses over the past several decades. These conditions, though distinct in their characteristics, often coexist in individuals, making the understanding of their prevalence and interconnectedness all the more essential.

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Spooky Season
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Spooky Season

Halloween is a time of excitement, costumes, candy, and spooky fun. However, for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the sensory overload, unfamiliar routines, and unexpected social interactions can be overwhelming. With a bit of preparation and understanding, families can ensure that Halloween is an enjoyable experience for everyone, including their loved ones with autism.

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Understanding ADHD: Beyond the Basics
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Understanding ADHD: Beyond the Basics

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. But what many don't realize is that ADHD is more than just inattentiveness or hyperactivity. It's a complex condition that can overlap with other disorders, influence emotions, and impact daily life in various ways.

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The Role of Technology in Supporting Individuals with Autism
Chris Wood Chris Wood

The Role of Technology in Supporting Individuals with Autism

In today's rapidly advancing digital age, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. For individuals with autism, the wave of technological advancements has ushered in a plethora of opportunities, offering tools and platforms specifically designed to cater to their unique needs and challenges.

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Early Diagnostic Interventions: The Key to Unlocking Full Potential
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Early Diagnostic Interventions: The Key to Unlocking Full Potential

As we navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare, the emphasis on early diagnostic interventions becomes increasingly apparent. By adopting a proactive approach, we can assist individuals with autism in realizing their full potential. Through early identification and tailored support, we envision a world where individuals with autism are not defined by their challenges, but celebrated for their unique abilities and perspectives.

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Autism and Oversharing: Navigating Social Boundaries
Chris Wood Chris Wood

Autism and Oversharing: Navigating Social Boundaries

For me, being on the autism spectrum makes it hard to determine what is appropriate to share and what isn't, even when I’m speaking to others with autism," one user shared. They went on to discuss their struggles with social intuition, an ability many take for granted, which allows them to gauge when certain topics or disclosures may not be appropriate

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